V bucks!
oh my god! where do i begin. this stuff is basicly crack for 8 year olds. i heard storys of kids spending hundreds of euros on this criptocurency. for people who dont know what im talking about v bucks is a in game curency that you can purches for real money to buy ofits for your character. seems inisent enghof but you be wrong. kids have been spending hundreds of euros on these coin thing not knowing the value of money. this somtimes starts by other kids bulling one kid who dosent have a oufit this makes the kid purches the coin things with there parents credit card and GOD FORBID YOU DONT HAVE AN XBOX BECAUSE THEY WONT EVEN NEED TO PUT IN THE PARENT CARD INFO IF THERE WAS AREADY A PURCHES THAT HAPPEND BEFOR.IT IS JUST CRINGE TOO MUCH OF IT also not as relavint but people have gotten virus by going into sketchy web-sites to get "free v bucks" so basicly parents make sure your kid dosent purches these VBUCKS without your permission.